How to Create a DevOps CI CD Pipeline With Example

Most pipelines don’t make it to this final stage, and that’s a shame. There is enormous value in being able to automatically deploy your software into production. When the pipeline runs unit tests on your code, and it fails a test? By providing a quick feedback loop on the quality of the software, and by making the deployment process easily-repeatable.

continuous integration pipeline example

Where systems need to be validated as a whole, they can be certified by integration, performance, and securitytests. Unlike the subsystem phase, do not use mocks or stubs during testing in this phase. Also, it’s important to focus on testing interfaces and networks more than anything else. What that means is that the fastest team can go at the speed of the slowest team. This reminds me of the old saying, “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link”. Subsystems can be deployed and certified by functional, performance, and security tests.

CI/CD Pipeline Fundamentals

However, all these processes must follow each other, with continuous integration representing the foundation for the other two to take place. This is unlike feature branching where developers make a copy of the codebase and then developers can work on their features separately. This usually leads to merge conflict, and in extreme cases merge hell, as developers are simultaneously merging numerous branches. This is known as trunk-based development, which is a key enabler of continuous integration.

As you can see, Jenkins pulled the changes from the GitHub repository and reflected them in its console. Now go back to the repository that you configured, and make a sample file, or edit any existing file and commit the changes. The next step is to configure the project on the Jenkins dashboard. In the General tab, choose your GitHub Project, and enter the GitHub Repository URL. Now, head over to the Source Code Management tab to add the credentials. Copy/paste the password in the Administrator Password field and click Continue.

More about DevOps

The CI/CD pipeline is not complete in any way without having a robust testing phase setup. Browserstack can help with many requirements of the testing phase, like cross browser testing, visual testing, automating native/hybrid mobile apps, ci cd pipeline and many others. Collecting key testing metrics to make the right decisions is very important when building a CI/CD pipeline. Leverage traffic mocking to capture production traffic and replay on test environments and vice versa.

continuous integration pipeline example

Most CI/CD tools let developers kick off builds on demand, triggered by code commits in the version control repository, or on a defined schedule. Teams need to determine the build schedule that works best for the size of the team, the number of daily commits expected, and other application considerations. A best practice is to ensure that commits and builds are fast; otherwise, these processes may impede teams trying to code quickly and commit frequently. Continuous delivery picks up where continuous integration ends, and automates application delivery to selected environments, including production, development, and testing environments. Continuous delivery is an automated way to push code changes to these environments. This initial CI/CD stage involves storing and managing source code in a repository with a version control system that supports collaboration and tracking changes across a distributed team.

Configuring Automated CI/CD with Jenkins & GitHub — Step by Step

A standard release pipeline consists of the main elements or environments listed below. Depending on the software and compliance requirements, environments might be added or removed from the pipeline, either permanently or by demand. There are no ironclad rules that define the best ways to create CI/CD pipelines. However, there are certain guidelines to follow while building these pipelines. Each stage of a typical CI/CD pipeline has multiple tasks and multiple kinds of tools to accomplish them.

  • Due to the ever-changing technological world, teams are expected to further embrace DevOps practices, breaking down the silos between different departments and fostering seamless collaboration.
  • Continuous deployment goes one step further than continuous delivery.
  • The same container image with slight differences can be promoted throughout the pipeline, enabling consistency in development and testing.
  • An example of continuous integration is the software development practice where developers regularly merge their code changes into a shared repository.

While both are referred to as CD,continuous deploymentrequires more discipline and rigor since there is no human intervention in the pipeline. Integrate your performance tests with the pipeline, and use the benchmarks to pass or fail pipelines. A common myth is that performance tests do not need to integrate with continuous delivery pipelines, however, that breaks the continuous paradigm. Tekton provides an open sourceframework to create cloud-native CI/CD pipelines quickly.

Continuous delivery

1Execute this Pipeline or any of its stages, on any available agent.2Defines the “Build” stage. In most cases, you will automate functional testing before UI testing. Unlike UI tests, which change more frequently, functional tests do not require frequent updates to automation scripts.

continuous integration pipeline example

Developing with amonorepomeans having a single, version-controlled code repository that contains many projects. The projects can be related, but are often logically independent and typically run by different teams. We combine the source code and its dependencies to build a runnable instance of our product that we can potentially ship to our end users. Programs written in languages such as Java, C/C++, or Go need to be compiled, whereas Ruby, Python and JavaScript programs work without this step. Failure in each stage typically triggers a notification—via email, Slack, etc.—to let the responsible developers know about the cause. Otherwise, the whole team receives a notification after each successful deployment to production.

A CI/CD pipeline

Acceptance tests generally cover the functional parts of the application. For example, on a shopping website, an acceptance test might ensure that a user can add a product to their basket. This is one of the great use cases for Docker containers – being able to create fresh build environments easily and repeatably. You can either configure your CI/CD tool to poll for changes to a Git repository, or you can set up a Webhook to notify your CI/CD tool whenever a developer makes a push.

Such automated processes, thus, ensure fewer errors and increased collaboration and efficiency through the software development life cycle. CI/CD pipelines are a great way to get your application from code into production. A good pipeline ensures that your software is is automatically built, tested and deployed. By automating the software delivery pipeline, teams can quickly deploy new features and bug fixes, while reducing the risk of major failures and downtime. A typical CI/CD pipeline would consist of stages where code gets pushed to the repository; the build gets triggered, build is tested and deployed to the production environment. A Pipeline’s code defines your entire build process, which typically includes stages for building an application, testing it and then delivering it.

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